| pic | pronounciation | meaning | 角 |  | kaku, kado, tsuno | horn, angle, corner, square, edge, feeler, angularity | 拡 |  | kaku | spread out, expand, enlarge | 革 |  | kaku, kawa | tanned leather, leather | 格 |  | kaku, koo | status, rank, capacity, standard, case (in grammer) | 核 |  | kaku | core, kernel, nucleus | 殻 |  | kaku, kara | husk, hull, cast-off skin, earth's crust, eggshell | 郭 |  | kaku | enclosure | 覚 |  | kaku, obo(eru), sa(masu), sa(meru) | perceive, realize, understand, remember, learn, feel, awake, be disillusioned | 較 |  | kaku | comparison, contrast | 隔 |  | kaku, heda(teru), heda(taru) | distance, every other, alternate, separate, screen, be distant from, separated from |