| pic | pronounciation | meaning | 沖 | | chuu, oki | offing, open sea | 追 | | tsui, o(u) | drive away, chase, follow, persue (pleasure) | 弟 | | tei, dai, de, otooto | younger brother, pupil | 怒 | | do, ika(ru), oko(ru) | become angry, be offended, become excited | 同 | | doo, ona(ji) | same, equal, similar, changeless | 納 | | noo, naQ, na, nan, too, osa(meru), osa(maru) | obtain, dedicate, pay, be settled | 拝 | | hai, oga(mu) | worship, pray to, adore, look at (with reverence) | 犯 | | han, oka(su) | offense, crime, commit, sin against, violate | 尾 | | bi, o | tail, end, trail (of a meteor) | 表 | | hyoo, omote, arawa(su), arawa(reru) | table, list, surface, express, be revealed |