| pic | pronounciation | meaning | 遂 | | sui, to(geru) | accomplish, attain | 錘 | | sui, tsumu | weight, plumb bob, sinker, sounding lead, sprindle | 正 | | sei, shoo, tada(shii), tada(su), masa | right, original, plus, genuine, just, punctual, correct, honest, surely | 整 | | sei, totono(eru), totono(u) | arrange, be arranged | 積 | | seki, tsu(mu), tsu(moru) | pile up, load, accumulate, amount to, product (in math) | 接 | | setsu, tsu(gu) | join, touch, contact, encounter, receive (visitors), together, cement | 説 | | setsu, zei, to(ku) | explain, preach, teach, opinion, comment, theory | 絶 | | zetsu, ta(eru), ta(yasu), ta(tsu) | become extinct, exterminate, sever, be beyond (words), cut off | 戦 | | sen, ikusa, tataka(u) | war, battle, game, match, wage war, fight, struggle against | 繕 | | zen, tsukuro(u) | repair, mend, trim |